19 December 2008


Well, will a little eye fatigue I feel like I have made this blog a little more interesting to view ?! Haven't been on forum lately, but have tried to stay in touch on blogspot:)
I am feeling optomistic today! Yeaaahhh! Remebering not to worry too much about the presents that aren't under the tree this year, but most importantly what is in my heart. I have been listening to Christmas music to and from work and I have one of Louis Armstrong! His voice and tunes can pick you up and put your heart right in the scene of a perfect Christmas memory!
Have a great weekend !


Fenwick 5 said...

GREAT NEW BLOG LOOK! TGIF! Isn't it great to feel the peace that Christmas brings. Hope u have a Merry Christmas.Maybe we just might kick off the new year with some movement in our adoptions!Gidget

Peter and Nancy said...

I'm impressed -- I haven't done anything fancy with our blog. :o) Argh -- I need a little Christmas spirit . . . my to-do list is still a little too long!
-- Nancy

The Pfeiffer Family said...

Your blog is looking great! I also love Louis Armstrong...he has an amazing voice that just puts you at ease. I hope you have wonderful Christmas. I am excited to see what God has planned for all of us in the New Year!!
April :-)