26 December 2008

How was Everyone's Christmas?

I am glad to say Bob and I survived this Christmas without spending too much. We did manage to exchange a few little gifts though:). It was fun just being home together, going to mass and appreciating the little things. Not having family here can be really difficult this time of year. Hoping next Christmas will be a big celebration that includes our daughter and visiting family!! I had to resist buying baby gifts for her this year. I just thought I should wait? Gidget, I lite a candle and prayed for you, like I said I would;). Back to work I go:( Bye for now.

21 December 2008

good night.

I want to say thank you to all that commented on the last post. I am still thinking others will get their letters too, soon! Bye for now. :)

20 December 2008

Here's to optimism:)

This evening when Bob got the mail,
With my excitement Dolly wagged her tail,
Much to my suprise my eyes did spy,
Wow! Our I-800 approval,I let out a big sigh.


19 December 2008


Well, will a little eye fatigue I feel like I have made this blog a little more interesting to view ?! Haven't been on forum lately, but have tried to stay in touch on blogspot:)
I am feeling optomistic today! Yeaaahhh! Remebering not to worry too much about the presents that aren't under the tree this year, but most importantly what is in my heart. I have been listening to Christmas music to and from work and I have one of Louis Armstrong! His voice and tunes can pick you up and put your heart right in the scene of a perfect Christmas memory!
Have a great weekend !

16 December 2008

feeling sentimental;)

So, I just want to say how blessed I feel ! I have wanted to adopt a child for so long and now it is all coming true. I have such a wonderful husband, he's my rock! luv'm!! Seneca
Well, thanks to the icey weather and being overstaffed, I was able to get the ball rollin' on this thing! I can honestly say now for certainty, that I am not computer savvy! Maybe that will change though:) Feel free to help a girl out.
P.S. still waiting for approval letter. may be a few more weeks according to the man at NBC office.
bye for now.